Privacy policy
Privacy is important, both for us and for you. When you use our services, you give us access to information about you. Personal information is information that can be linked to you as an individual. In this privacy statement you will find information on:
- What information we collect and why
- How we use the information
- What options and rights you have
Nordic Touch Ventures AS is responsible for the processing of personal data through Chargo.
What information we collect about you depends on what kind of relationship we have with you.Information you provide to us: When you create a user account or purchase services from us, we will register personal information in order to provide our services to you, including contact and payment information. We also store information about inquiries with our customer center and other relevant information about your customer relationship such as which products and services you have ordered.Information collected automatically: When you use our app or visit our website, we will be able to collect information about how you use our services, as well as some technical information. This includes the following:
(A)  Device Information: This is information about the device (such as the mobile phone) you use when using our services, including what kind of device you have, operating system version, screen size, and the like. Among other things, the information allows us to customize the display of our content to the device you are using.
(B)  Location information: When using our services, we will use your IP address to calculate which country and county / municipality you are visiting from. The information is used to prevent abuse of our services and to understand where in our country our services are used. Depending on your app settings, we may also be able to get more detailed location information through your device's GPS. We use this in our map feature so we can show you the nearest charging station.
(C)  Activity logs: Our server logs record details of how you use our services, such as which parts of our app you use. In addition, date and time information, browser type, language settings, IP address and other technical information are stored.
(D)  Cookies and similar technologies: When you use our services, we will collect and store information through cookies, web pixels and / or local browser storage. The technologies are used, among other things, to recognize your device, to store settings and to prevent abuse of our services. You can find more information about how we use the technologies in section 5 below.
Information we collect when you consent: When you use our app, you will be asked to give the app access to features such as camera, location (GPS), battery status and contact list. Access is required to use certain features of the app such as reading QR codes or displaying the nearest charging station, but it is entirely up to you whether you want to grant access or not. You can also change your app access at any time.
We are only allowed to collect and use personal data to the extent necessary to achieve predetermined purposes:
(i).           To provide our services to you:
We collect and use personal information about you when necessary to provide and provide services in accordance with the agreements we have entered into. This includes the use of personal data in connection with contracting and order handling, customer administration, payment follow-up, complaint handling and error correction. You will not normally be able to influence the collection and use of this information unless you terminate your customer relationship with us, and even then we will retain some information in order to determine, make current or defend legal claims (for example, claim payment for unpaid invoices).
(ii)            To fulfill statutory obligations:
In some cases, we use personal information to fulfill the duties we are required by law. This applies to the storage of accounting material in accordance with the Accounting Act and the collection and use of information to safeguard the security of the services we provide, including notification of any privacy breaches, cf. Articles 32 and 34 of the Privacy Regulation.
(iii)          For certain legitimate business purposes:
We may also process personal information about you to pursue certain legitimate business purposes:​ Development and Analysis: We process both anonymized data and personal data to understand the needs of our customers and to improve and further develop our services. For example, we can test how different customers use functionality that we develop so that we can further improve our services, prepare reports on how a person's place of residence, age or other characteristics affect the use of the services.
(iv)           For other purposes for which you have consented:
We will also be able to process your personal data for any other purpose for which you have specifically consented. If you have given us such consent, you may withdraw it at any time by contacting Customer Service.
We use subcontractors to help us fulfill the agreement we have with you or perform other tasks on our behalf. These subcontractors will only have access to information that is necessary to complete the mission they are performing for us. In order to safeguard your privacy, such subcontractors are contractually obliged not to use information for any purpose other than to carry out the assignment for us, to delete data when the assignment has been performed and to have both technical and organizational measures to protect information against unauthorized use and access.
In addition, we will only disclose personal information about you to third parties in statutory cases (for example, by order of the courts, police or others), or if the disclosure is necessary to safeguard our legitimate interests in connection with the transfer of business or to clarify, defend or establish legal claims.
Like most other websites and digital services, our services can also use different types of technologies to provide you with the best possible user experience and relevant content. Examples of such technologies are cookies, device and ad identifiers, pixel tags (pixels), and browser storage. We use such technology to:
- Keep the context as you navigate our web site, for example after logging in or when ordering services.
- Allows you to use special features such as saving settings.
- Collect statistics and analyze website usage, including calculating and reporting total number of users and traffic.
- Recognize your device and record behavior on our web sites so we can:​
- Customize content on our websites and services based on your behavior and preferences.
- Build segments and audiences for marketing purposes.
- Targeting ads, including reducing ads that are irrelevant to certain audiences / users.
- Measure the impact of advertising, including providing information about whether an ad has been shown and the result of the impression (for example, clicking on an ad or purchasing a product)
5.1 About the technology
We may use the following technologies when using and interacting with our services or collaborative websites / services, provided that you use a browser or device that allows the use of that technology:
Cookies are a small file of small text strings that are sent to your browser or device when you visit a website. This allows the site to recognize your browser or device the next time you visit the site. Cookies can store user settings such as language settings or login information, identifiers and other information. Browser settings allow you to both remove old cookies and prevent new ones from being saved.
Pixel tags (pixels) are transparent image files that, among other things, make it possible to read and store cookies, as well as transfer information to us or our partners. The information typically includes the IP address of a device, time and web page where the pixels are displayed, an ID associated with the browser or device and the type of browser being used.
Browser storage is technology that allows a website or app to store and retrieve data on your computer, mobile phone or other device. Examples include caching and local storage in HTML5. Such technology is often used if the device or browser cannot store cookies or to provide you with increased security and control over the information stored.
5.2 About consent and your options
As long as you are provided with good information about the use of cookies and similar technologies, you are considered, under Norwegian law, to consent to the use of the technology through the settings in your browser. Here you can normally specify whether you accept the storage of cookies from the web pages you visit, from third parties associated with the web pages and if you wish to be notified each time a new cookie is stored. The exact procedure depends a bit on your device and which browser you use.
In the browser settings you will also find an overview of all cookies that have been stored, so you can get an overview and possibly delete unwanted cookies. The browser normally stores all cookies in a specific folder on your hard drive, so you can also examine the contents in more detail.
If you want control over which third parties use the technology for different purposes, we recommend tools like Ghostery and Disconnect.​ For more information about cookies and settings, we refer to
Pursuant to the Privacy Policy, personal information shall be deleted when it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. We have different criteria for deleting personal data depending on:
- If you are an active customer with us
- What kind of information it is about
- What the information is used for, and
- Whether we have specific statutory obligations to store or delete the information
The legislation gives you more rights to help you safeguard your privacy. These rights include:
Information about the processing of personal data:
You have the right to information about how we process your data personal information. The most important thing about the duty to provide information is to ensure that you can understand how personal data is processed, the consequences the processing can have, what rights you have and how these rights can be used.
Insight into own Privacy policy:
You have the right to request access to your own personal data. This means that you should know if we collect and use information about you, and you also have the right to be provided with a copy of the information we have stored about you (with a few exceptions).
Correction of personal data:
You have the right to have corrected personal data which is incorrect or inaccurate. This ensures, among other things, that we have updated information about you as a customer, so that we do not make decisions on the wrong basis or send invoices and other information to the wrong address.
Deleting Privacy policy:
In certain cases, you have the right to request the deletion of personal data. This applies, for example, when the storage of the information is no longer necessary for the purpose of the processing, if you withdraw consent and there is no other legal basis for the processing, if the processing is illegal or the information is collected through web services or apps aimed at children.
Limited use of Privacy policy:
You may request that we do not use personal information for anything other than to establish, enforce, or defend a legal claim (such as claiming payment for an agreement), to protect another's rights, or to protect important social interests if:
- you have requested that incorrect information be corrected (until the information is corrected),
- you have complained about the processing of personal data (until you have received feedback on the complaint), or
- it turns out that our processing of the information is illegal and you prefer that we store the information rather than delete it
Data Portability:
You have the right to request that personal data be disclosed from us and to another company. The purpose of this right is to give you control over your own information, and will, among other things, make it easier for you to move from one service provider to another. The right applies only to information that you yourself have provided to us, and only when we use the information to fulfill an agreement with you (eg providing a service or product) or the use of the information is based on your consent.
You have the right to object to the collection and use of personal data for certain legitimate business purposes (see section 3 of "How do we use your personal information?")
If you have the right to object, we are obliged to terminate the processing of personal data. The exception is if there are compelling and justifiable grounds for the treatment that precede the interests of your interests, or that the treatment is necessary to establish, enforce or defend a legal claim.
You can exercise your privacy rights by contacting our Customer Center or by using functionality developed in the Chargo app.
You also have the right to complain about our processing of personal data. You can do this by taking contact our customer center. If you are not satisfied with our complaint procedure, you can appeal the case to Datatilsynet in Norway.
Nordic Touch Ventures AS is responsible for processing all personal data processing applies to your customer relationship with Chargo. If you have any questions about the processing of personal data, please contact us at
Nordic Touch Ventures AS
Sundvegen 47
2100 Skarnes
Organization number: 923 742 778
Online shop: