What is the capacity of a Chargo powerbank?

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Our powerbanks have a charging capacity of 5000-mAh. This is equivalent to two full charging cycles for most phone models.

How do I know the time I have used the battery, and how much I will be charged?

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When you rent a powerbank, the App will display the time of rental, the duration of your use and the total cost. In case you don't use the App, this information will not be given.

How long until my phone is fully charged?

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Most phones can be fully charged within 75 minutes. However, this may vary depending on your phone and its battery capacity.

What is the most I will be charged for using the service?

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You either have a subscription whereby you pay a fixed fee for an unlimited amount of rentals throughout the month, or you pay as you go. When you pay as you go, you will be charged according to your rental time. In case you decide not to bring back the powerbank within 24 hours, you will be charged 99 NOK for the day. You will pay this fee every day you don't return the powerbank up to a maximum of 3 days. After 3 days the powerbank will be considered lost, and you will be charged a deposit of 299 NOK.

My App is not working. What should I do?

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If you are experiencing trouble with our App, first try to reboot the App. If it still doesn't resolve the issue, try re-installing it. Please contact our support team in case this doesn't result in the App working for you.

How do I hand in a powerbank if the charging station is completely full?

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In case a charging station is completely full, you'll not be able to hand in your powerbank at this station. You will therefore need to search another charging station where you can hand it in. Use our App in order to find all charging stations.